We understand that family life can sometimes be difficult and challenging. Life can be tough in different ways for all families and we all need a little extra help from time to time. At Madeley Nursery School, our educator team will always be ready to provide non-judgemental support to you and your family. We will always listen carefully to your concerns and support you to the best of our ability. If you do find yourself requiring some extra support, please do not hesitate to contact any of the educators in school to arrange a meeting.
Our primary aim is to ensure that you receive the right help at the right time and there are many services available to you that we can recommend and refer to. Some examples of support include;

  • Support with child development or behaviour
  • Emotional wellbeing for children and adults
  • Life at school such as settling, learning and peer on peer altercations
  • Transitions from Nursery to Primary education
  • Changes to home life such as moving home or unstable living arrangements
  • The loss of a loved one
  • Finances and housing
  • Parental relationships
  • Support with health concerns
  • Support with addictions or crime

These are just a few examples of challenges you might be experiencing and need support with but they are not the only concerns we can support. If you are worried about anything regarding your child or family, please do not hesitate in speaking to an educator about it. If you do not feel comfortable to contact an educator directly, please feel free to contact the school via email and address it directly to either Louise Lowings (head and DSL), Ben Braim (Deputy Head and DSL) or Victoria Waring (SENDCo and DSL).

Resources to help you

There are many family support services available to you for you to use when you are in need of some help. The sections below provide you with links to some of the services available, which you can access for more information. They have been sorted into different categories to make it easier for you to locate the kind of support that you might need. Please note that this is not a replacement for discussing your concerns with an educator as there are many ways that we can support you directly in school.

Family Connect: a free, confidential service providing impartial advice, guidance, information and support on a full range of children’s services available across Telford and Wrekin. These include safeguarding concerns, childcare, activities, parenting support guides, school admissions and finance.
The family information service (Shropshire): If you are living in Shropshire county, this service offers the same support as Family Connect.

Strengthening Families: Strengthening Families provide local services for families with children aged 0-19 through children and family centres including; child development and school readiness, parenting aspirations and parenting skills, child and family health, parent support (e.g. Emotional wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, parenting in general), family support (e.g. worklessness, social isolation, Citizens Advice) and support groups (e.g. teen parents, lone parents, BME groups, dads).

Family Hubs: Currently located in Sutton Hill and Woodside, this hubs offer families a place to speak to someone face-to-face about their concerns. People are available to signpost to other services in the borough and the hubs also offer their own programmes of support from baby support groups such as breast feeding to parenting workshops for dads. The family hubs team are now holding weekly drop-in session at Southwater Library every Wednesday from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Southwater drop-in: A drop-in session available every Wednesday from 9.30am-12:30pm in the Southwater Library – children’s section. Run by Strengthening Families and Dandelion Peer Parent Support, experts are available to provide advice and signposting, information on parenting/courses, support and guidance
around accessing local community activities and family hubs information.

Live Well Telford: Live Well Telford provides information and signposting to a wide range of services, activities and organisations in the area, to help everyone find the support they need to live healthy independent lives.

Early Help Assessment: The Early Help Assessment process is designed to identify your families support needs and provide services so that the right help can be provided at the right time. The process is collaborative between the family and school and covers any and all areas of need that you might need help with. If you feel like this process might support your family, please get in touch with an educator.

Parent coffee meetings:

SEND local offer for Telford and Wrekin: Provides information, advice and guidance on a range of local service providers for children and young people with SEND.

PODS: A parent support group for families with children that have Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND). They provide advice, support and organise regular sessions and workshops.

SENDIASS: An information, advise and support service for children young people aged 0-25 with SEND.

Telford Autism Hub:  These hubs provide a wide range of support for individuals and families ranging from advice, support, signposting, workshops, helpful strategies and planning. 

Children’s Speech and Language Therapy: The children’s speech and language therapy team, through NHS Shropshire, offer a variety of services to support babies, children and young people in the Shropshire area.

Speech and Language UK: National support service providing advice, guidance and resources for children and families to help develop speech and language skills. Also includes an online progress checking tool.

Shropshire Community Health: Provides a range of community-based health services for adults and children in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. These services range from district nursing and health visiting to physiotherapy and specialist community clinics.

School Nursing Team: Promotes and supports the health and wellbeing or children for 5-19 years old. Support includes; physical or emotional development, sleep, behaviour, feeding and diet, toileting and communication.

Health Visitor Service: Health visitors offer support and advice to families on a variety of topics which include promotion and management of breastfeeding, supporting new mothers with post-natal depression, parenting programmes and putting parents in touch with a variety of specialist services that can support them and their child’s healthy development. New parents are also offered a newborn hearing test.

Telford Mind: Local support group for wellbeing and mental health.

Mental Health Helplines: Many services provide 24hr helplines with trained professionals who offer a non-judgemental listening service and support in finding specialist support. Visit this link to see a list of high quality helplines available.

The Sea Change Trust: A charity aiming to offer specialist therapeutic support to babies, children, young people and their families in rural and left-behind areas. They offer sessions in Shrewsbury and Telford.

Kooth.com: Free, safe and anonymous online counselling and support for young people.

Telford Young Carers Service: A support and advice service for young people aged 18 years and under who have a caring role for a family member. Provides, support, advice and social networking opportunities for young carers.

Shelter UK: A charity offering support and advice on a range of housing issues including; homelessness, tenancy deposits, council housing, repairs, private renting, benefits, eviction and mortgage repossession.  

Live Well Telford Housing and Accommodation Services: A wide range of support and advice services regarding housing and accommodation concerns offered by Telford and Wrekin Council.

Live Well Telford Money Advice: Support and advice services available for benefits and allowances, debt management and grants in Telford and Wrekin.

Food Banks: Crisis Support: 01952 586646. Dawley Foodbank. Telford Live Well foodbank services.

National Debtline: An independent debt advice charity that can support you to manage debts.

Telford Energy Advice: Telford Energy Advice (TEA) provides a free energy advice service by trained advisors. For those who need it, there is the option of a follow up home visit or ongoing casework support.