Our approach to teaching and learning is inspired by the preschools of Reggio Emilia and the ecological ideas of Gregory Bateson; where children learn in groups and research the world through collaborative projects.
Learning and teaching at Madeley Nursery School is based on deeply held principles. These are explored, questioned, tested and our understanding developed on an on-going basis. Through these principles we develop the values of…
Pro-social behaviours of sharing (dividing up or bestowing), helping (acts of kindness, rescuing, removing distress), and cooperation (working together to reach a goal) showing sympathy, showing positive verbal and physical contact, showing concern, taking the perspective of another person, cooperating and social problem solving that enable children to be in dynamic interactions with other children and adults.
Self-regulation which is the ability to monitor and control our own behaviour, emotions, or thoughts, altering them in accordance with the demands of the situation.
Collaboration that is crucial to successful, independent learning. Through effective collaboration we begin to understand the importance of being reflective, of cooperation, of taking turns, of respecting difference and diversity, of friendship, of being fair, of sensitive listening, active discussion, and of unity.
Resilience and perseverance to be determined to succeed, setting a goal and sticking to it. We aim to foster a willingness to take risks
and an acceptance of failure. We take positives from all that we do and learn from our mistakes. We are responsible for our own learning and develop high self-esteem.
Equality incorporating aspects of tolerance, inclusion and diversity. We expect children to have an awareness of the wider world, to celebrate difference and respect the rights of all individuals, both in the school community and beyond.
Compassion, encompassing kindness and concern, about friendship and love, about communicating effectively and understanding the
needs of others. Through our focus on this value, we expect to develop thoughtful, considerate children who are empathetic, respectful and kind.
Creativity and innovation is the value through which we hope to inspire children to appreciate their uniqueness, to be imaginative and inquisitive. We aim to nurture originality and dynamism in meaning-making.
Critical thinking using purposeful judgement which results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference and include qualities, concepts, and processes such as creativity, imagination, discovery, reflection, empathy, connecting knowing, subjectivity, ambiguity, and inconclusiveness.
Confidence to explore as active learners and to be adventurous, curious and confident to take risks when experiencing new things. Exploring the world will help to develop curiosity and respect for nature and a love for the outdoors
Ecological awareness and sensitivity by exploring the world to develop curiosity and respect for nature and a love for the outdoors.
Effective communication that enables children to express themselves, listen and respond to the ideas and proposals of others. Independence and self-organisation to be able to work with other children, not always seeking or needing the affirmation or direction of adults.
- The 100 Languages of Children
- Framework for Communication and Language Development
- Framework for Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Framework for Physical Development
- Framework for Understanding the World
- Framework for Expressive Arts and Design
- Framework for Literacy Development
- Framework for Mathematical Development